Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday - blog


I've made the decision to blog more regularly many, many times. And once again; I'm going to try and blog more from now on. Is it really going to happen this time? Please kick me in the butt if I don't! ;)

Every wednesday I will be sharing some of my favorite blogs. This is the first one! Enjoy!

The Jealous Curator

"A collection of artwork that inspires & depresses me. I know it's good when I'm left thinking DAMN I WISH I THOUGHT OF THAT."

Do you ever get that feeling?

"There is one moment, in the first few seconds, when you look at a piece of art and know that you love it. It’s the moment when, if you’re an artist yourself, you look at it and feel a rush of uplifting inspiration… and total soul-crushing jealousy all at the same time. It’s when you walk away thinking, “Damn, I wish I thought of that.” - The Jealous Curator

Do you recognize this? I do!

I love this blog. It's full of great art and design and I like scrolling and scrolling down all of these inspiring things (and yes, some will make you insanely jealous)! Be warned! ;)

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