Sunday, April 17, 2011

Progress shop!


First of all thank you for all your lovely words about the new name! I'm really glad you all like it!

We (my parents and I) have been working like mad this weekend. We've made a huge progress! We went from a not-so-white (it was first painted orange and then painted white, but you could still see the orange) space to a very white space and then to a lovely white and light green/blue space with lightning, a perfect table (for workshops & working), shelves and more! I'm really excited about the outcome. Of course it's still messy and quite empty, but it's starting to look like a real shop now!

We went from:


And now it's like this;
One wall is light green/blue-ish, but it's very hard to see on these pictures (guess you'll have to come and see it for yourself in real life! ;)).
And we made a bit of a mess, but well..


  1. ziet er mooi uit! is het in rotabs? Ik woon daar vlakbij dus kom zeker eens een kijkje nemen.

  2. Wat wordt het mooi! Ik ben heel erg benieuwd, ook naar wat je er allemaal gaat verkopen!

  3. @ erika; Klopt! Het is in Rotabs. Leuk als je een keertje komt kijken! Ik ga open op 15 mei (tijdens de Swanmarket = dubbel leuk, dus, haha!). ;) Dankjewel!!

    @ Kim Welling: Dankjewel! :D Ik ben er ook erg blij mee (ook met van die lieve ouders die zoveel helpen, haha!). Ik ga onder andere ergggg mooie spulletjes van een Utrechtse illustratrice verkopen. ;D
    En natuurlijk nog veeel meer!

  4. You had a busy weekend!

    Looking great so far...can't wait to see it once you get all your stuff in it. :-)

  5. Wow!! good work Lisa, it looks really nice!! :D
    and I love the new anme, yeah! it's so lovely!!
    have a nice week :)
